This reflection was presented at the Blessing of the Animals Service for the St. James United Church of Christ, Lovettsville, VA, on September 24, 2017.
There are some services that are quite important to
the life of a congregation and a community. For example, there would be an
uproar if there was no Christmas Eve or Easter Vigil in some congregations. Can
you imagine the outrage that would commence if there was no Pentecost?
Well, I have learned that the St. Francis of Assisi
service, otherwise known as “The Blessing of the Animals Service” is as
important to the life of the community, even if we don’t know realize it. In
case you didn’t know, St. Francis is the patron saint of animals and the
environment, and, as the Old Testament reading reminds us, God created humans
to have “dominion over the fish of the sea, and over
the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over
every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.”
Many times, I am convinced, we think that dominion over all the earth,
and all the creatures that inhabit it, means that we have free reign to do
whatever we want to do, regardless of outcome. That, my friends, is not so.
While dominion and authority indicates supreme control over animals and
the earth, there is a second component to having control over something – a
requirement to ensure care of and maintenance of. For example, the government,
in most cases, has dominion over roadways, they are required to take care of
and maintain them so that they are navigable. Now whether the government does
that well is another issue, they are still required to do so.
Another example I thought of is that of an absentee landlord. You know
the kind – purchases a property, rents it out, yet neglects to take care of it.
The landlord enjoys the income they derive from the property, yet does nothing
to maintain its wellbeing.
Unfortunately, in some instances, we humans have become absentee
landlords. We love all of the benefits we derive from the earth and animals,
yet we have failed to take care of them adequately. We are required to care for
the animals that God has given US dominion over, and we are required to care
for the EARTH as well. In case you have missed it, there are indications that
we have not done such a good job of the “taking care of and maintaining” part
of dominion. We’ve pretty much mastered the “absolute control” over, but if we
are honest, we need to do a better job of taking care of and maintaining.
If you don’t believe me, there are far too many animals being
mistreated. We are not taking care of and maintaining the animals we have
dominion over. There are far too many animals in shelters or homeless. We are
not taking care of and maintaining the animals we have dominion over. Our earth
is telling us that we are not taking care of her, and she is telling us through
the weather. We are not taking care of the earth we have dominion over. We must
do a better job.
This is not to say that we are totally absent in our care. Those of us
here this morning KNOW that we have a responsibility for caring for the animals
that are in our care. Those of us here KNOW that we have a responsibility for
being good stewards of the earth. Those of us here KNOW that we must exercise
responsible dominion over the earth, and everything on and in it.
So, this morning, let us be thankful for the animals that we have in our
lives, and remember that God made us in God’s image to do take care of and love
them. What an honorable assignment to have – loving and blessing animals.